The end of a year always feels like the closing of a chapter in a book to me… an opportunity to review the year that has passed and bring myself to rest in the most yin/feminine place of stillness and darkness (well certainly here in the northern hemisphere).

I have always loved Christmas, not from its commercial or religious connotation but as the festival of light, which we can see in the glow of the firelight, the candles and the lights on the Christmas tree. I love that I can feel a tangible sense of that light yang/masculine/solar energy ready and expanding out into the world again.

Follow your heart


Using the Polarity of this Time of Year

All of life is this beautiful dance of the qualities of masculine and feminine, the light and the dark, the active and the passive, the projective and receptive. It is in seeing these seeming polarities as aspects of the one that can lead us to a place of deep inner peace.

hearts calling-minAnother way of looking at this time could be to see it as the point of poise between the in-breath and the out-breath of God/Source energy the Solstice point offer us.

Our Christmas Day is celebrated on the brand new wave of the out breath and I am always aware of the potent portal of time that holds a sort of stillness and anticipation from 26th through to the 31st, which I can fill with busy-ness and gatherings with friends and family or I can make sure I also take time to reflect and vision the energies of the New Year…. To tune in to what calls me now.

Working with the Rose energies in a New Way

This December started with a clear calling for me to work with the Rose energies in a new way. To work with one Rose each day through the month and allow her to guide and show me where attention was needed in my own journey. It has been a fascinating process in watching what shows up in my day that is directly connected to the energy of the Rose I am working with!!

From that experience I am crafting a beautiful process to offer those drawn to work with the Rose energies in a deeper way that will be available from the 1st January 2016, and this will form the first part of some really exciting offerings for these coming times.

Reviewing my Life Journey

The other surprise journey for me this December has been a re visiting of my ‘previous life’ as a wedding dress designer and I have somehow found myself in the locations of my wedding dress shops which I had from 1982 – 2000!! So definitely for me the reviewing of a far bigger cycle of my life journey has been called for. It has been fascinating and really quite emotional opening the boxes of photographs and letters and dusting off the portfolios of my work.

Wedding Dress collage Sandy Humby-min

My trip down my personal memory lane served amongst other things to remind me that when we follow our inner compass, when we listen to our Hearts’ calling, new pathways and opportunities can open up for us which we could never have imagined and yet there is an inner guide that carries the thread of the Souls calling that weaves itself through our lives.

Preparing for the New Year

So take time in your preparations for this festival of light to tune into the messages within and allow those whispered words of your heart to be the way-showers and guides for you as you enter the portal of the New Year.

Could the 31 day Rose journey be a great start to the New Year for you too?

With Love and Rosy blessings, Sandy